My First Literary Contest

Contests: Anyone else going for the blue ribbon?

I follow several blogs on writing, and came across a post about the PNWA (Pacific Northwest Writer’s Association) Literary Contest. So, after reading up on it a bit… and mulling over the idea of spending the $50 entry fee… I decided to enter The Enduring.

There are a dozen categories:

1. Mainstream
2. Historical
3. Romance (electronic only)
4. Mystery/Thriller
5. Science Fiction/Fantasy/Horror
6. Young Adult/Middle Grade
7. Nonfiction/Memoir/How-To
8. Screenwriting
9. Poetry
10. Short Story
11.  Children’s Picture/Chapter Book
12. Adult Short Topics (Article/Essay/Short Memoir)

My work went in under the YA/Middle Grade category. They allow 28 pages max (including a one page synopsis.) I took a few days to make sure everything was in order, then shipped it off today.

Now that it’s done, I started looking into a couple others that interested me. Does anyone else out there participate in this kind of thing? Any words for or against?

Let me know what you’re thinking! And, in the meantime…

Keep Writing!


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